Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dont Be Afraid To Snowboard/Ski

Do you, as my readers, want to know the dumb thing about Natasha Richardson’s mishap/death on the bunny slope? People are now afraid to start up skiing/snowboarding because one star falls and hits her head--which is supposedly the reason she died. Now, if she was a pro snowboarder and had died it would make much more sense than if she just fell on the bunny slope and died shortly after. There are only two reasons she could of died: 1. She was going to fast and fell awkwardly which was a huge mistake, if she wasn’t experienced; or 2. She wasn’t wearing a helmet which was another mistake.

My recommendation for those of you who want to try one of these sports, but are afraid to because of this incident with this unfortunate star, as long as you pace yourself and follow common sense safety rules, you will be fine. Good luck.